Thursday, January 29, 2015


By: Alma, Mrs. Seely's 5th Grade Class

     SPLAT! I hit the ground hard, or at least I think it’s the ground. I’ve felt the ground before, and it feels nothing like this. The ground feels rocky, like a rocky planet. Now this feels like a smooth glass window. I guess the girl beside me saw the confused and scared look on my face because she said “Its ok, we’re just in a glass tube called a rain gauge” .I thought to myself for a moment. In my mind I say, well I hope she is right. Then I think, hey she looks pretty nice. I wonder what her name is. Then I ask “What’s your name?” “My name is Bethany but you can call me Beth” she replies. “Hey do you know what’s going on?” I ask.  “Yes, we were just precipitating” says Beth. I start to look around, but all of a sudden Beth and I were pulled up and out of the rain gauge. Then I hit the ground and I’m out like a nightlight. 
I wake up to Beth shaking me awake. And I’m in some sort of hallway. It’s really tall and wide. I look around and I notice it’s not raining people anymore. Instead people are floating down the hallway and into a big room I try to see inside the big room but Beth calls me and I don’t get a chance see inside. She starts to swim over to me and while she’s coming toward me she shouts “hey u never told me you name!” I start to say “oh my name, my name is…..”I stopped speaking when all of a sudden I watched in horror as Beth was forcefully pulled into the big room and then, before she completely went in the room, she screamed for me to help her but I just stayed frozen in my spot. I wanted to help her but my molecules would not move. I hear her call for help, then, she's gone. ”I hope I will see her again” I say to myself but before I knew it I was pulled in too.                   
I look around the corner and there, at the top, I see Beth looking around for me. I swim up to her and tell her hi.” My goodness, you scared me!” Beth says. The next thing that happens scares me. Beth starts to turn into little molecules and she floats up and out of the water and onto the air. Then I am lifted  into the air also.  I get scared for a second but Beth tells me it will be okay. So I feel a little better.

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