Thursday, January 29, 2015

Raindrop Story

By: Skyler, Mrs. Seely's 5th Grade Class

     “Huh?” “What’s going on?” “I didn’t do anything bad!” I complained. “What happened to just drifting softly?” I used to be a cloud, now I am falling into what looks like someone’s rain barrel. I look to see if I can find a familiar face. “John!” I yell. He is my best friend. To me he is as nice as a flower. “Crystal!” He screams. That is me, Crystal.
     “What’s happening?” I asked him. “We are in the water cycle.” He stated. “Um, what’s that?” I questioned. I started getting nervous, I have never heard of that. “Precipitation, condensation, evaporation, any of that ring a bell?” Those last statements really helped calm me down. I think to myself for a while. “Are we supposed to fall instantly? That is what we did. Since we are falling as rain, does that mean we are precipitation? You told me that once.” “Yes I do remember telling you that and you are correct, we are precipitation.” He tells me. After a long while of falling, we land on a mountain that Humans call “Mount Everest.” I hit the ground, hard. All of a sudden all the air in me is taken out. I gasp for air, I finally manage to talk to John. “John, what’s happening?” I shouted. “It’s okay, we are runoff. That is one of the best stages.”
     “What is runoff?” I mutter. I am getting old of this whole, water cycle thing.” It is where we wait to be collected by an ocean, river, or lake.” He responded. “I don’t understand why we have to go through all these stages and can’t just stay in one all our lives.” I complain. “If we didn’t go through these stages, eventually water in the ocean would be gone and that would not be good.” He replied. “Humans have to drink and if they can’t drink then there won’t be any left.” He explained. “I will tell you everything you need to know about each stage as we go through them.” He told me.
     “What are we doing now?” I question. We have been in this pond for quite a while. I wonder why he hasn’t told me anything yet because… My sentence trails off as I see something. “Ahhh!” I scream as I see John start rising into the atmosphere and disappearing. “Oh yes, the same thing is happening to you as well. It is evaporation. We get so hot we turn into a gas called water vapor.” He states. “Is that when we are clouds? I love being a cloud!” I scream. I wonder if we are going to be a cloud soon. It was really hot when we started rising, then it became colder and colder and colder.
     Like John said, I am most familiar with this stage. If you don’t remember at the beginning of the story I asked,” What happened to just drifting softly?” Once you rise higher into the atmosphere it gets colder and colder. You turn into one of the three types of clouds, Cirrus, Stratus or Cumulous clouds. John interrupts my though process. “You have been really quite lately, why?” “It is really cold and after going through all of these stages, I got used to it. Plus you calmed me down when you said we would become clouds again.” I replied. “Oh” He murmured. So I am back to being a cloud and drifting softly. I am glad to be back. I needed a rest from all that.
     And now we start over and over through the water cycle. Like a game that never ends. That was my story. If you were wondering, yes this is what all water goes through. It is how the Earth recycles water. Well got to get back to falling. Hoped you learned from my story. Bye…

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