Monday, January 4, 2016

Letter to John Green

Dear John Green,

            In your writing, I came to understand that there is so much more happening in every person’s life than I may ever know. We all have a history, and some of us are blessed with a future, but none of us last forever.  Your writing also inspired me to be more curious about the world and question more about the things that I see and hear, especially when I don’t understand.

            I have a lovable cat that always puts a smile on my face.  Just like anyone else that has a pet, I love my cat and never want to see him die.  Reading about Gus’s life and untimely death helped me really understand that no matter how much I love my pet, he is going to die one day.  I do not want my cat to ever die, but your words helped me to understand that death is a part of living.  I will one day have to face the pain of the loss.  You also taught me to make the most of the time I have with those I love, so I plan to spend as much time as I can with him before that day comes.



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